Isn't It Nice...Being Nice?
Being Nice & Kind is the Name of the Game..!

What's New? - 18 July 2024

Free Aldi Gift Cards

I am still offering the Aldi gift card.

I have been offering free £20 (previously £15) Aldi UK gift cards to local people who have children that are in need of help during these difficult times including the elderly.

The gift cards can be used in any Aldi UK supermarket for food and accessories only, not for lottery tickets, scratchcards, cigarettes, alcohol or related material.

Hate seeing mothers, the elderly or people that are in genuine need and struggle. Love to help if I can. Funded entirely by me, not the church.

Please help spread the kindness campaign.

God bless you all.

Isn't It Nice Being Nice?
Previous News Items
Previous News Item: 07 March 2019

Kindness but sadness

Wednesday is Kindness Day and today I did several acts of kindness in East Sussex and Kent on Wednesday 06 March 2019.

The highlight for me was tonight, just as I was leaving my favourite hotel, Chilston Park Hotel in Lenham, just just outside Maidstone in Kent.

I briefly met two ladies (pictured with me below). I already given them one of my English tea room cards and offered them a complimentary afternoon cream tea/lunch if they ever wanted me to treat them, before the lady on the left told me of a sad event that happened recently.

Her log fire engulfed her entire cottage which burnt to the ground. She only survived because her son got her out. This is on top of losing her husband a couple of years ago.

Everyone has some kind of story to tell. But, despite this, she had a wonderful smile on her face as did her friend, which warmly connected to me.

Unknown to them, until I was about to leave the hotel, I paid for their initial drinks as you can see on the table.

Kindness is not about feeling good for yourself. It's actually about showing people that you care; caring from a kind heart.

The lady on the right, her friend, has treated her to a night in Chilston Park. How nice is that?

Caring is Sharing and Sharing is Caring and I do hope they will make contact with me soon so I can treat them to an act of kindness.

Previous News Item: 10 February 2019

Joe and Sandra's kindness to the elderly

Joe and his wife Sandra hosted their annual Contact the Elderly UK event in their home in Bullockstone last week, by providing afternoon cream to the elderly guests who have lost a love one. Joe was extremely touched by an email he received from one of the ladies that attended.

Sandra worked so hard putting the event together. Joe's only input was to entertain the guests.

Sandra made it a special valentines theme, giving a home wrapped rose to all and heart chocolates.

Please consider doing this. It will deeply touch your hearts.

Here is a 11 second video showing the elderly guests around the table. The people in the background are the volunteers that bring the elderly guests.

Watch the ten second video clip of the ladies enjoying themselves by clicking here

Previous News Item: 23 October 2018

Sometimes, you have to say 'sorry'

I went swimming again recently in Canterbury at the The King's School Recreation Centre. During the swim and afterwards, I got annoyed with two members of staff and a customer and said things I shouldn't have said. As a result, I went back over an hour later with two boxes of Ferrero Rocher wrapped with an apology card for the two members of staff and apologised. Both are great staff members and a credit to the Centre, but my actions were inexcusable. So, I had to put things right.

The two staff members accepted my apology. (It won't happen again).

Sometimes, you have to say sorry..!

Joe Ellis

Previous News Item: 18 June 2018

Monday 18th June I reached the train station on my way to a hospital appointment, when I found out that my train was cancelled. I bought a drink and made my way to the platform, sitting down on a bench next to an elderly lady with lots of luggage. Rarely do I speak to strangers, but I made a comment that it would be a long wait until the next train which was going to a different destination in London. The lady said that she was returning home to Edinburgh after spending two weeks with a friend. She was concerned that she would need to find her way across London from Victoria to Kings Cross, with heavy luggage.

Initially I said she was welcome to come into the tube with me and I would show her where to go. Her ticket did not cover the tube so I was going to help her sort this out as well.

I then had a brainwave to get a taxi across and asked the lady if she would like to share it with me. I explained that my husband had offered to pay so that she didn't feel obliged to do so. After some time, she agreed as she was worried about what she would do otherwise. She was genuinely surprised that I was willing to help her.

At the other end we managed to find a taxi immediately (to my relief as my appointment was getting nearer and nearer) and we spent a pleasant half hour discussing landmarks in London she had never seen before. We said our goodbyes at Kings Cross before I proceeded to walk extremely fast back to the hospital (we had passed it on the way to the station, but as I was paying I stayed) where I arrived with ten minutes to spare.

Dr Sandra Beale-Ellis

Previous News Item: 02 May 2018

A delivery driver from Rother Valley Timber that made a delivery to me last Friday had a bad day. Stuck in traffic, lorry leaking and being delayed home, got to him, but he was still polite and delivered the materials.

I gave him an £10 note and a takeaway tea to lift his spirits. He was delighted but I think he needed the tea more.

Previous News Item: 11 April 2018

Visited The Fifth Trust Teashop, Elham Valley Vineyard on the 09 April 2018 for lunch on my own, and noticed an elderly lady with a walking stick on her own opposite my table. I had wanted to ask her to join me, but the Teashop was too busy to attract her attention.

On my way out of the Teashop, I put a £5 note and a kindness card on her table and said that the coffee is on me, and left quickly without interaction.

An Act of Kindess is the name of the Game..!

I will upload a tea room review on my other page, Joe Ellis' English Tea Room Guide in relation to this Teashop very soon.

Previous New Item: 15 March 2018


Wow, what a day...!

I started my usual Wednesday day this week heading to Tenterden for lunch at Prezzo, (fantastic food and service) and then drove to the neighbouring village of Appledore, Kent, after buying my wife a present in Tenterden.

My first point of call was to visit The Old Forge to buy old books. I ended up buying a book, a present for myself and promising the two lovely sales assistants a piece of fresh cake from Miss Mollett's High Class Tea Room a few doors down, as I was heading for scone and tea. On my way out of the door, I briefly met a stunning lady who was thinking of purchasing a table. I unexpectedly ended up meeting her and her husband in the tea room.

I suggested she taste Assam tea and if she did not like it, ill buy it. She liked it, but I still brought it.

A present for my wife, cakes for sales assistants whom I never before and then a pot of Assam tea to someone I never met also...

I then headed to the Outlet, Ashford and as I parked my truck, a car pulled up next to me, and a young Asian man and his girlfriend gave me a free parking ticket with several hours left. I thanked him.

I then brought another present for myself and on my way out of the Outlet, I flagged down a car entering the Outlet, and a car full of young Asians pulled over. I gave them a free car parking ticket which delighted them.

What Goes Around, Comes Around..!

Previous News Item: 09 November 2017

Inspired by a post in the Herne Bay Chatter Group (Random Acts of Kindness Day in Herne Bay); I headed for Herne Bay town centre, early to bank and early for lunch.

A local lady sitting next to me known locally as Babs, had finished her meal (Mortimer's restaurant) but wanted the waitress to walk her to the bus stop outside at the local library due to the fear of the main road. Obviously, the waitress couldn't do this as she was working. So, I offered to take her once I had finished my meal. I offered her dessert. She wanted ice-cream. I had paid for this and her soda-water and then walked her to the bus stop (holding hands), and waited until the bus for 'triangle' arrived, made sure she got on the bus safely, and I then headed home.

Rare for me to wear my Isn't It Nice…Being Nice cap locally, but the post in the Herne Bay Chatter Group gave me today's 'kindness lift'.

Previous News Item: 18 September 2017:
My today's Random Act of Kindness is directed at two Herne Bay surgeries, headed by Dr Carter; namely The Park Road Surgery and their sister surgery; Herne & Broomfield Surgery.

Dr Carter and all members his staff, provide an excellent service to patients. I have been particularly grateful for their professionalism and dedication shown to me since I moved into Bullockstone in October 2000.

I have today treated both surgeries to a tray of Ferrero Rocher. I attached a short note with a kindness card attached to it.

A small act of kindness and niceness goes a long way. People complain, but not often praise.

Caring is Sharing and Sharing is Caring.

Previous News Item: 07 September 2017:

An upset parent in Herne Bay posted an item on a Facebook Group on the evening of the 06 September 2017 to inform the Group (Herne Bay Chatter) that her son is devastated. He had saved up to buy a set of team football boots. Not cheap, but he brought them and then somebody stole them from his parents porch.

So I suggested the parents go and buy another pair and give me the bill. But then, another Facebook group member sent me a PayPal payment and made a contribution towards the cost. This person, Neenah Lou, showed great human kindness. I sent the full payment to the parent, via PayPal, added a little extra for her to enjoy a pot of tea and a scone/cake, and she was delighted.

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Contacting the Isn't It Nice...Being Nice? campaign is easy:
PO Box 630, Ashford, Kent, TN23 9AQ, England
T | 01227 376180
Text/SMS 24/7: 07908683134
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